South West Community Legal Centre Inc.
South West Community Legal Centre Inc. is committed to equity and social justice for all.
Your donations go towards providing vital services to vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the South West. Please make a donation today to help us, help others.

Serving the South West region for 30+ years.
Welcome to South West Community Legal Centre's Website
By accessing or using this website, you agree to the terms set out below, which South West Community Legal Centre may modify from time to time.
Website material not comprehensive or legal advice
The content on this website IS NEITHER:
intended to be comprehensive; nor
legal advice.
Before acting or relying on any content found on this website, you should seek legal or other professional advice. If you have questions about your personal circumstances, you should seek assistance from South West Community Legal Centre, another community legal centre or a private lawyer.
By using this website, you agree that:
The South West Community Legal Centre (Inc) and its directors, employees and agents (SWCLC) are not responsible for any consequences (including loss or damage or both) arising from using or accessing this website or any of its content (including links to other websites).
You will not make any claim against SWCLC for any loss, damage or expense that may arise from your use of this website or from your reliance on any of its content.
All content on this website is entirely at the discretion of the Webmaster and may be altered or deleted at any time.
SWCLC is not responsible for any content that appears on linked websites.
While all content of this website has been formulated with due care, SWCLC does not provide any guarantee that it is accurate, current, reliable or exhaustive. This website is intended to be for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide or replace legal advice.
If you have any questions about the above, please contact us.
Our privacy policy is available here.