South West Community Legal Centre Inc.
South West Community Legal Centre Inc. is committed to equity and social justice for all.
Your donations go towards providing vital services to vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the South West. Please make a donation today to help us, help others.

Serving the South West region for 30+ years.

Domestic Violence Legal Service
We recognise that domestic violence can affect people from all walks of life and can take shape in many different forms. We also understand that those who are already disadvantaged, can be more at risk of family violence than the rest of the community. Our team of experienced legal practitioners can provide sensitive, tailored legal advice to people at risk of domestic violence.
We can provide detailed advice about restraining orders, Magistrate Court applications and applications to the Family Court of Western Australia for parenting orders or injunctions. We can also provide advice about seeking compensation for injuries sustained as a result of offences committed against you. We work closely with other domestic violence support services within the South West region, and can help clients access other necessary supports.
Our duty lawyer services can also assist clients with Family Violence Restraining Order and family law matters. We provide a duty lawyer to assist with Family Violence Restraining Order matters every Tuesday in the Bunbury Magistrates Court and every second Wednesday in the Busselton Magistrates Court. We also provide a duty lawyer service to assist clients during the Family Court of Western Australia Bunbury circuit.
Useful Links
Family Violence Service (All Magistrates Courts) - https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-justice/court-and-tribunal-services
Magistrates Court WA - http://www.magistratescourt.wa.gov.au/R/restraining_orders.aspx?uid=8913-0425-7284-9400
Domestic Violence Legal Unit (Legal Aid WA) - https://www.legalaid.wa.gov.au/find-legal-answers/family/family-violence-and-your-safety/get-help-family-violence-and-your-safety
Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (DVAS Central) - https://whfs.org.au/services/family-and-domestic-violence/
Multicultural Women’s Advocacy Service - https://whfs.org.au/services/multicultural-womens-advocacy-support/
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) - https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/S_T/Sexual-Assault-Resource-Centre-SARC
South West Women's Refuge - https://www.swrefuge.com.au/
Waratah Support Centre - http://www.waratah.asn.au/
Domestic and Family violence - https://www.esafety.gov.au/women/domestic-family-violence
​Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline - http://www.dcp.wa.gov.au/crisisandemergency/pages/domesticviolencehelplines.aspx
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline - http://www.dcp.wa.gov.au/crisisandemergency/pages/domesticviolencehelplines.aspx
Victims of Crime - http://www.victimsofcrime.wa.gov.au/