South West Community Legal Centre Inc.
South West Community Legal Centre Inc. is committed to equity and social justice for all.
Your donations go towards providing vital services to vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the South West. Please make a donation today to help us, help others.

Serving the South West region for 30+ years.

Tenancy Advice, Education and Support Services
Our centre provides free tenancy advice, education and support in the South West region.
The Tenant Advocacy program runs every Tuesday at the Bunbury Magistrates Court and every Thursday at the Busselton Magistrates Court, subject to court listings. We can provide assistance at the Collie and Manjimup Court by appointment.
We can provide advice about a number of issues including:
General rights & responsibilities
Tenancy agreements
Rent, Fees & Other Charges
Maintenance & repairs
Shared accommodation
Residential tenancy databases
Family violence and tenancy matters
Court processes
Public housing issues
Please ring our centre for more information. Please note that we do not assist landlords or with commercial leases.
Useful links
Tenancy WA - https://www.tenancywa.org.au/fact-sheets
Consumer Protection - https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/renting-home
Circle Green- https://circlegreen.org.au/