South West Community Legal Centre Inc.
South West Community Legal Centre Inc. is committed to equity and social justice for all.
Your donations go towards providing vital services to vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the South West. Please make a donation today to help us, help others.

Serving the South West region for 30+ years.
South West Community Legal Centre Family and Domestic Violence Wraparound Service
Our domestic violence service provides prompt advice and support to victims of family and domestic violence. We provide a duty lawyer to assist parties in Family Violence Restraining Order (FVRO) matters. If you are a victim of domestic violence, we encourage you to contact our service for information, advice and referrals to support services. For upcoming dates, times and locations please contact us.
We also offer FREE information sessions. Gain an understanding of the law relating to FVROs, court
procedure and potential options for reaching a negotiated outcome. These sessions are free and are
open to everyone. For upcoming dates, times and locations please contact us.
Going to Court for a Family Violence Restraining Order Matter?
Check out these helpful videos developed by Legal Aid, SWCLC and the Bunbury Magistrates Court: