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 Victim Compensation Program


If you are a victim of a crime and you have suffered injury or pregnancy as a result of that offence, then you may be eligible to claim compensation. 


Generally, you are required to submit your claim for compensation within three years of the offence being committed, or the last offence, if there are more than one. However, it is possible to make a request for an extension of time to lodge your application. 


The process of putting together an application for criminal injuries compensation is complex and time consuming. It may require you to obtain reports from medical practitioners or other experts. Once lodged it can take up to 18 months for the Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation to make a decision in relation to your application.*


We can provide advice to clients about the criminal injuries compensation process. We can also assist clients to draft documents and obtain other necessary supporting documentation, such as medical reports or police records. 


*Information produced by South West Community Legal Centre Inc. and current as at 30 June 2019.


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